Burlington High School
421 Terrace Drive, Burlington, IA 52601 Phone: 319-753-2211 | Fax: 319-753-3883
Upcoming Events
Boys Bowling: Burlington vs Mount Pleasant (Varsity)
1:00 pmJoe Jolin – 6th Grade Boys Basketball Coach – Burlington Team
6:00 pmBoys Wrestling: Burlington vs Mount Pleasant (Varsity)
6:30 pmKey Contacts
Digital Backpack
Coming soon: A way to keep up-to-date on school and community events for students and families
Inspiring and challenging students through diverse opportunities.
The Burlington Community School District strives to have a profoundly positive impact on each student’s adult quality of life brought about by the students’ individual and collective educational experience.
Exit Outcomes
The Burlington Community School District supports all students achieving skills and abilities to become productive citizens in the community in which they live. This includes academic goals, social competencies, employability skills, and technology skills. These skills are a guide for teachers and students in determining projects and areas of focus at various grade levels.